February is Teen Dating Awareness Month. This month the FDHA advocates to raise awareness about teen dating violence and promotes violence prevention. The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence reports that each year about 1.5 million high school students across the nation experience abuse from their partners. Teen dating violence is abuse or any threat of abuse against teenaged dating partners that can occur in forms that are verbal, physical, sexual, emotional or digital. Parents should speak to their teens about domestic violence. Teens that are being abused or have seen any form of this abuse must speak up and make their voices heard. If you are in danger, call 911 or reach the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1 (800) -799-7233 or TTY 1 1 – (800) -787-3224. Also, you may reach the Metro Atlanta Crisis Line 404 -873-1766.
Partner Resource Links:
Partnership Against Domestic Violence – http://padv.org/
Haven of Light International Inc. – http://havenoflightint.org/teen.html
YouthSpark – https://youth-spark.org/